Tuesday, December 30, 2008

No Pictures of Christmas

As Sam and I loaded up the car with Christmas presents and luggage for WV, and getting all those last minute things, we decided to pass on the camera, as I could not find my "point and shoot" and Sam did not want to bother with his AMAZING cannon rebel. This was a choice I regretted as soon as I walked in my in-laws' door. My mother-in-law bought a new tree (Sam was not happy about this), but it looked really good in their new front window. She had beautiful decorations all over the house and it looked like the perfect country Christmas house. I would be able to prove this to you, if we had taken pictures, but you will just have to imagine it for yourself. 
This was my first "McGhee Christmas." Sam and I have celebrated 5 Christmases together now (can that be true!?!?) The first 2 years we were dating and did Christmas separately with our own families and the past two were celebrated in Tennessee together and Colorado with my family. 
We had to do a "modified" McGhee Christmas this year, as we woke up a little later than they usually do. We opened presents as a family and then got ready to visit the extended family. We had a meal at the grandparents house, with Sam's aunt (who we are so thankful to celebrate Christmas with this year, after her awesome recovery from cancer this summer) and her family. We then went to the other grandmother's house with lots of extended family (my mother-in-law is the youngest of 7). Not all of the siblings were there, but the house was full with lots of children playing and laughing and the family was together under one roof.
It was a long day, but a lot of fun. My family did a much smaller-scale version of Christmas, especially when we moved to Colorado, and I had never experienced so much family in one day. Despite all our differences, frustrations with each other, or other things we get hung up on, family is important to have especially around the holidays.
This was my first Christmas that I did not spend with my immediate family. Money, time and distance got in the way this year. After 22 years of doing Christmas the same way, it was a little different for me not to be in Colorado with my family. I miss them.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

.....Well, sort of. There are no snow covered trees or anything in Tennessee (yet) maybe this will be the year. But, there are red cups at work, we've been listening to Christmas music, and tonight we put up the tree. This is probably my favorite time of the year-and these are a few of my favorite things...(the sound of music reference is for Donna)
people are nicer
the crisp cool air is refreshing
the music is great
cuddling up on the couch with a blanket
decorating for Christmas
seeing family
Christmas plays (especially the ones at church put on by the kids)

As far as music goes-Mariah Carey's Merry Christmas CD is my favorite! It is the best CD to sing to, clean to, and get ready for Christmas to. I thought I lost it, but I found it this afternoon and listened to it probably about 5 times today while I was cleaning the house. 

I just love Christmas-the expectancy, the good spirits of everyone you come in contact with and the best gift that we could ever ask for-the birth of our Savior! 

There are only 19 more days until Christmas!!!